Kosmos Energy CRR 2013 1 | Page 10

7 Internal Assurance Internal Audit is currently responsible for executing an audit plan on financial controls testing as well as audits of the Company’s HSES program, Well Integrity Management System, Anti-Corruption Compliance, and Supply Chain processes, to name a few. Our Internal Audit department reports to the Board of Directors’ Audit Committee. This year, Internal Audit has provided internal assurance on a subset of the data in this Corporate Responsibility Report, as well as conducted a review and provided recommendations on the processes by which statistical data are defined, collected and consolidated. CORPORATE PRACTICES AND POLICIES Community and Stakeholder Engagement We reviewed our existing social investment projects and refreshed forward-looking plans to ensure they aligned with our Community Development and Stakeholder Engagement Policy. We also rolled out a detailed Social Investment Manual, outlining corporate expectations regarding program design and project selection criteria, to help ensure that our efforts are sustainable and aligned with local development priorities. Health, Safety, Environment and Security (HSES) Kosmos introduced an internally-branded management system called The Standard, which centralized our HSES policies and procedures. The Standard sets clear expectations and associated performance measures that are used to plan and monitor our corporate, country and project-level activities. Kosmos also achieved high HSES performance in 2013. Key performance indicators for the year (see 2013 Performance Data on p. 28) were based on industry benchmarks reported by the Oil and Gas Producers Association, as well as internal objectives for well integrity and behavioral-based training. In 2013 we improved our internal systems and THE FRAMEWORK tools to minimize security risks to personnel during business travel and on Kosmos sites. Kosmos remains dedicated to achieving an injury-free workplace. As such, we have established new safety targets for 2014 based on our previous three-year average Total Recordable Injury Rate and Lost Time Injury Frequency. In addition, we have added new metrics to track and measure the frequency and potential severity of near miss incidents, the effectiveness of improvements to the HSES management system, and overall HSES readiness for our 2014 drilling campaigns. In 2014, we plan to provide more accessible Health and Safety training and on-boarding for the global workforce, as well as enhanced self-assessment tools for measuring performance within the HSES management system. Public Policy Engagement In addition to our processes and policy framework, Kosmos takes an active role in the broader discussions occurring globally around corporate responsibility policy. We have been involved with several global institutions regarding policy development and best practices. We have also engaged with governments in West Africa on emerging policy issues such as transparency, good governance, and human rights. We believe that our engagement on these issues is not only contributing to more effective public policies for generations to come, but is also helping position Kosmos as a partner of choice.