KorzandoS Vol I Issue 02 KorzandoS Vol I Issue 02 | Page 4
fashion & LifeStyle II
Hello and welcome to this month’s
fashion column. The art of dressing has
progressed down through countless mil-
lennia to this present generation; it still
hasn’t stopped fascinating us though. A
school of thought even propounds that
fashion is a natural phenomenon and
not a testament to human ingenuity, as
many believe. One other long standing
opinion, which can less easily be dis-
puted, is that “fashion is universal...”.
Is it really?? There is no right answer.
Confused? Don’t be.
No! because what you wear and
how you arrange those elements of your
wardrobe on your person is a very per-
sonal matter! It depends on your pref-
erence of brand, the kind of fabrics you
like, the impression you want to make,
the abundance of these elements and
fundamentally the freedom your wallet
allows to satisfy your tastes. There is no
uniformity in that. No two people out of
ten will satisfy these conditions, which