KorzandoS Vol I Issue 02 KorzandoS Vol I Issue 02 | Page 18

A Message From the KorzandoS Family “ Imagine ∞ Dimensions W We are recruiting new team mem- bers this December and by our stan- dards, if you have passion enough, you are eligible. Do not worry much about your certificate or level of education. We’ve got provisions for your talents and passion. KorzandoS ” I L i8D Imagine Infinity Dimensions e say bye to our iconic dragon logo. Korzan- dos is and shall be the name of our magazine regardless this change. Yet so, it shall fly under the wings of the company “Imagine Infinity Dimensions”. 18 i8D magine Infinity Dimensions does not only provide you with the best of content in its Korzandos magazine, we also are masters of design and photography. We design lo- gos, design websites, cover events etc. Do call us, we’ll be waiting. astly, we thank all readers of our monthly issues and we re- ally would like your feedback. Do mail us at korzandos@ gmail.com and don’t forget to Imagine in Infinity Dimensions. Imagine Infinity Dimensions