Korean History and Culture Seminar for American Educators Handbook 2017 NKS Seminar-Handbook-Final with Daniel | Page 69

Symbol Name Sound Memo ㄱ ( 1 ) 기역 GiYeok g / k
Since this can be both voiceless and voiced , foreigners may think of it as ' g ' or ' k '. However , it is a bit less voiced than ' g ', and less strong than ' k '.
ㄴ ( 1 ) 니은 NiEun n As in " nice ".
ㄷ ( 1 ) 디귿 DiGeut d / t
ㄹ ( 1 ) 리을 RiEul r / l
Since this can be both voiceless and voiced , foreigners may think of it as ' d ' or ' t '. However , it is a bit less voiced than ' d ', and less strong than ' t '.
Koreans don ' t hear the difference between ' r ' and ' l '. This symbol , depending on situation , can come out as either ' r ' or ' l '.
ㅁ ( 1 ) 미음 MiEum m As in " mother ".
ㅂ ( 1 ) 비읍 BiEup b / p
Since this can be both voiceless and voiced , foreigners may think of it as ' b ' or ' p '. However , it is a bit less voiced than ' b ', and less strong than ' p '.
ㅅ ( 1 ) 시옷 SiOt s The sound is not as strong as the English ' s ', but close .
ㅇ ( 1 )
이응 IEung none / ng
ㅈ ( 1 ) 지읒 JiEut j / ch
This symbol when appearing as the first consonant does not have any sound . It acts as a placeholder for aesthetic reasons .
Since this can be both voiceless and voiced , foreigners may think of it as ' j ' or ' ch '. However , it is a bit less voiced than ' j ', and less strong than ' ch '.
ㅊ ( 1 )
치읓 ChiEut
This is the real voiceless ' ch ' sound .
ㅋ ( 1 )
키읔 KiEuk
The is the real voiceless ' k ' sound .
ㅌ ( 1 )
티읕 TiEut
This is the real voiceless ' t ' sound .
ㅍ ( 1 )
피읖 PiEup
This is the real voiceless ' p ' sound .
ㅎ ( 1 )
히읗 HiEut
This is about as strong as the English ' h '. Definitely less strong than the German version .
쌍기역 SsangGiYeok
The sound is stronger , voiced ' g '. It is close to the Spanish ' k '?
쌍디귿 SsangDiGeut
The sound is stronger , voiced ' d '. It is close to the Spanish ' t '?
쌍비읍 SsangBiEup
The sound is stronger , voiced ' b '. It is close to the Spanish ' b '?
쌍시옷 SsangSiOt
This is , maybe , slightly stronger than the English ' s '.
쌍지읒 SsangJiEut jj this sound is stronger , voiced ' j '.
( 1 ) The 14 basic consonants . In the original set , it included ㅿ ( 반시옷 BanSiOt ), ㆁ ( 엣이응 YetIEung ) and ㆆ ( 된이응 DoenIEung ).