Konect Magazine Volume 102 | Page 3

KONECTMAGAZINE CONTENTS ENGAGE + ENHANCE + EMPOWER 02 EDITOR'S NOTE The editor in chief reflects on the past year, and the bright possibilities and prosperities of the year 2016. 15 5 IKEA HOME IMPROVEMENT IDEAS THAT WILL INSPIRE YOU Enhance your inspiration this spring by upgrading your living quarters with these Ikea furnishings, sure to leave you inspired! 24 SPRING FORWARD BY JUMP STARTING ON NEW TRENDS 51 Spring forward while jump starting on new trends! THE MONEY COACH 41 EXCLUSIVE! HOW TO START SMALL & STILL GET RICH COVER 45 HOW TO TRANSFORM YOUR OFFICE ATTIRE INTO COCKTAIL ATTIRE Save yourself a shopping trip as you discover fresh and easy tricks that will transform that boring black dress into the life of the party! 55 22 HOW TO FIND THE PERFECT 47 CAREER AND MAKE IT LAST Who doesn't want to discover the perfect career and make it last? Find out how two simple steps can alter your life forever! LOVE IT OR LEAVE IT CORPORATE DIARIES 06 8 WOMEN WHO CHANGED HISTORY She’s been giving advice since her friends knew the meaning of four vulnerable little words: “What should I do?” And, from what I’ve heard, she quite good at it. These women believed they could do it and they did! It is true that one woman can make a difference, yet together these women simultaneously rocked the world! 1 WEBSITE: WWW.KONECTMAGAZINE.COM EMAIL: [email protected] PHONE: 312-804-7593 MAILING ADDRESS: P.O. BOX 378935 CHICAGO,, IL 60637-8953