The Lifeline of
the Order is Membership
Joseph Salini
Past State Deputy
There is not much that goes on today that is not in
some way connected to the social media. This has
become the norm and it is no different within the
confines of the Knights of Columbus. A very good
example is the recent production and release of
the 1st degree video. It is a brand new training tool
that is out there and along with the fact that the
3rd degree may be read, we should be able to engage
and recruit more Catholic men into the Order.
We still are looking for some dedicated members
to be part a plan of succession for backup and fill
in members of the 2nd and 3rd degree teams.
This is a very fulfilling part being
involved in the Knights and we
need to get more men involved.
There has been an increase in overall degree work
and this is a real plus for Ontario. This coupled with
some new initiatives set out for retention has put
a real positive spin on our overall membership.
that fit the bill but as it always seems no one ever
gets asked to help. How many times have you been
at a major degree and heard someone say, that was
great I would like to get involved, but it never goes
anywhere. Take that next step, ask the question,
get involved with one of you degree teams, or even
better get a group of members and start working on
a new team. We always welcome self starters.
For all of those existing team members of all teams,
look for some help, seek out some new young
energetic members, or even old energetic members.
We all need their help. The lifeline of the Order is
membership and we need dedicated men to help
bring those men into the fold. Once that form 100
has been signed and membership is approved the
journey needs to start. Lets help to make that
journey a memorable one that lasts a lifetime and
makes us all desire for more and gives us a reason
to instill the same passion in a young Catholic man,
just as Father McGivney did so many years ago in
New Haven.
Vivat Jesus
Ceremonials play such an integral role in the
workings of our Order, but it seem like the people
who commit to be involved are there for many years
and there does not seem to be an abundance of men
stepping up to fill in at the various roles or even
offering to help. We have many members out there
Joseph Salini
State Ceremonial Chairman
APRIL 2014