koc-ebullet-apr-2014-cs5-fnl.pdf Apr. 2014 | Page 49

St. Francis Xavier Council Brother Edwin D’Cruz St. Francis Xavier Council 12067 had an interesting, pleasant and an enjoyable evening at its second Fraternal Activity Night (FAN) of the fraternal year on Friday, January 24 in the parish hall. The event which was the first of its kind in the council’s 16 plus year history was attended by over 72 knights. This event, which was a combination of a business presentation by knights who own or work for a company (real estate, consulting, leisure travel, guitar learning, mortgage specialist, lawyer for wills/estates, wood-work and several others) were given the opportunity to speak about their business and to enlighten the members. They were also provided with booths. Bro. Alan Pires, Fraternal Advisor and his “Friday Night Basement Band” jammed during the evening entertaining the knights with some great music. A number of knights also sang along with the Friday Night Basement Band. Fr. Susairaj Savarimuthu, Associate Pastor who graced the occasion and is very supportive of the knights said the grace before all enjoyed the pot roast beef meal prepared by Florence and PGK Vivian Pereira who is also the council’s Lecturer. During the evening the knights had the opportunity to network, visit the booths and play a number of games. The event was chaired by PGK ValensAlmeida and was ably supported by his committee members. Our grateful thanks to all of the above, brother knights and committee members who worked hard to make the FAN event a successful one. Last but not least, thank-you to all the knights who attended the FAN, as without their presence the event would not be successful. KNIGHTS OF COLUMBUS ONLINE BULLETIN APRIL 2014 49