doing during the Games, such as providing
volunteers, conducting a Special Olympics Flag
Raising Ceremony, providing a Fourth Degre
Honour Guard, or carrying in the Special Olympics
flag during the Opening Ceremonies.
Councils from across Ontario can also be a part
of these Games by supporting their local athletes,
through the Adopt An Athlete or Team program,
or by promoting the Games throughout their area,
be it organizing a Special Olympics Flag Raising
Ceremony or by inviting a Special Olympian to
speak about the Games at one of your Council
This year we introduced the position of Area
Chairman to help coordinate activities and to serve
as a liaison with Special Olympics at the local level.
I would like to thank these Area Chairmen for their
time and commitment to Special Olympics.
More detailed information pertaining to the
Knights involvement with Special Olympics
in Ontario, can be found on our website at:
To become more involved with the
Special Olympics program in your area, please
In closing, I want to again thank you for your
support of Special Olympics and may God bless
you for all the good work that you do.
Vivat Jesus.
Bro. Joe Mathews,
State Special Olympics
T h e
S p e c i a l
O l y m p i c s