koc-ebullet-apr-2014-cs5-fnl.pdf Apr. 2014 | Page 29

this year stronger than ever. Please download the forms as needed from our website. Food for Families Supreme form # 10057 (Please submit your form as soon you conduct your food drive.) Pennies for Heaven State form #SO42 (Please submit by the end of March) Coats for Kids Supreme form # Coats for kids (You can still order Winter Coats) Canadian Wheelchair Form: Wheelchair Foundation Canada (It’s never too late to provide freedom and mobility) Vivat Jesus C h a r i t y t h e P r i n c i p a l Our Lady of Guadalupe Patroness of the Knights of Columbus Francisco Naar PGK, FDD, FN Ontario State Community Director The inside guard Br. Sam Pipitone of Humber Valley Council #3945 promoting the Pennies for Heaven program asking for donation. In the picture Br. Francisco making a contribution. V i r t u e o f O u r O r d e r 29