koc-ebullet-apr-2014-cs5-fnl.pdf Apr. 2014 | Page 21

Ask your Grand Knight, Council Membership Director or even your District Deputy about what incentives Supreme and Ontario State have going so you can get your thank you. On the web? Check us out on Facebook www.facebook.com/knights.ontario and twitter @KofCOntMember to find out about incentives and what’s going on. Council 4916, Cambridge Complete Parishioners Last Wish Recently some of our Council Brothers Just think, the next time you smile at another catholic gentleman remember you are changing the world, maybe he could help you! Maybe he needs to be asked “Would you like to join my council because….” Without asking those at church, at our programs, friends and family how will you get the help you need to make your council grow. became aware of a very active parishioner who was suffering from Cancer. It was this gentleman’s desire to get his back porch rebuilt but he had to put this on hold due Vivat Jesus! to the quick deterioration of his health. Christopher Lazure Ontario State Membership Director [email protected] Our Brothers organized a work party. These Knights spent several days rebuilding his porch and completing the electrical work necessary. It was completed on the day he returned from the Doctor with the most difficult news anyone can hear. His wife thanked the Knights for their kindness and Charity work. Her letter indicated that on the day he left to spend his last days at the hospice “ he took a moment to take it all in.” C h a n g e t h e W o r l d 21