Saturday 2 July
Official venue times : 08:00 – 17:00
Momentum Weekend Argus Knysna Cycle Tour presented by Rotary �estival �avili�n� �ate�f��nt ��ive ����� : 80km , 50km , 30km and 15km at Waterfront Drive ������ : Festival grounds ����������O� : Road races , Children ’ s Tour and Forest Family Dam Ride from 10:00 to 15:00 at the Festival Pavilion . Expo and entertainment at the Festival Pavilion , Waterfront Drive . Visit www . knysnacycle . co . za for more info . ��ntact : �ota�� ���le �o�� ��fi�e� 079 796 7834 or 044 382 1129
Oyster Festival Gymkhana ��e�ie �a�� A small circuit where entrants race to complete the course in the fastest time . ��ntact : Keagon Borchards , 082 950 9838 or Jacques Bouwer , 083 270 4938
09:30 and 14:00 ; morning and afternoon tea , or light lunch will be served . ��ntact : Heidi Atkinson , 082 776 0238
Waterfront Marine Safety Demo �n�sna �ate�f��nt �a���u� A water safety demonstration presented by Head to Head Boating Services . � sec�n� sessi�n is at 1� : 00� ��ntact : Tracey Meinjies , 082 402 9211
The Great Cardboard Box Race down Hornlee �aste�n �ea� Slide down a hill with a custom-made �o�� � ��n�fille� �a� �o� the �hole family . Drink and food stalls available . ��ntact : Curlen Ruiters , 078 403 6250
Oyster Festival Magic the Gathering Tournament Magic the Gathering is a card strategy game . Four draft format events will be hosted on 2 July and one big modern format on 3 July . ��ntact : Greg Penrith , 082 572 9145
10:00 Kaapse Klopse Festival Pavilion , Waterfront Drive
13:00-16:00 Dylan 17:00-22:00 Stephanie Tapas & Oysters , Thesen Island
13:00-19:00 Quay4 Tavern , Thesen Island , 044 382 4204
19:30 Khan and Richard Stirton ( SA Voice Winner ) The tent @ Cruise Cafe . Entrance is from 18:00 . No under 12s . Tickets from www . webtickets . co . za .
15:00 Perpetual Blues Band Festival Pavilion , Waterfront Drive
Pam Golding Harbour2Heads Lagoon Challenge – Registration �n�sna �ac�t �lu� Register for Sunday ’ s event . Online entries are available from www . entrytickets . net . ��ntact : Darren Berry , 083 671 9399
The Casper Kids Adventure Run in partnership with Simola �im�la ��tel ��unt�� �lu� � ��a Registration opens from 14:00 . Comfortable running shoes are compulsory for this 2km or 4km run , open to kids aged 6 to 12 years . Entry costs R150 . ��ntact : Matty , 044 382 2932
Oyster Festival Bridge Tournament �illa �ast�linni Bridge tournament in two sessions ,
5-a-side-street Soccer Finals �un�i��e ��ima�� sc���l� ���nlee Perfect for children 12 to 18 years of age . ��ntact : Michael Smith , 072 055 6917