Knowledge-addicted Knowledge-addicted | Page 12

3. The world’s youngest grandmother

The world’s youngest grandmother is believed to be Rifca Stanescu, a 23-year-old from Romania.

4. The Best You Can Bee

Some grandparents are so great, they skip being parents entirely. Well, in the animal kingdom, anyway. Thanks to a biological process called Haplodiploidy, male bees can only be grandfathers and grandsons. They can’t be sons or fathers.

5. Giant Family

The record for most living descendants belongs to Pennsylvanian Samuel S. Mast. When he died in 1992 at age 96, Mast had 11 children, 97 grandchildren, 634 great-grandchildren, and 82 great-great-grandchildren, for a grand total of 824 direct relations.

6. Grand/Parents

There’s no doubt about it: Grandparents are dependable.

In fact, you’re SO reliable, about 7% of U.S. kids are being raised by their grandmothers and grandfathers. That’s almost 5 million children - enough to fill Yankee Stadium 100 times over.

Written by Madalena Kozieł