Knowing What Is Type 2 Diabetes - And How To Defeat It Knowing What Is Type 2 Diabetes - And How To Defea | Page 15

Alternative Treatments

Being diagnosed with diabetes is just one part of a bigger puzzel

It ’ s Puzzling …

• Why are so many people getting Type 2 Diabetes today ?

• When did bread changed from the “ Staff Of Life ” to the Gluten Menace ?… and why ?

• What is causing this plague of lifestyle diseases ?

• Why do doctors only treat the symptoms and never offer a cure ?

Never in recorded history has there been the epidemic of health issues facing us today . Aside from heart problems and a few forms of cancer , most of today ’ s chronic diseases and rampant health issues are classified as life style diseases such as Type 2 diabetes , obesity , auto-immune diseases , gut disorders , autism and infertility … all rare or unheard of in the general population before 1996 .
Are all life style diseases connected in some way ?
Type 2 Diabetes © Prevention - Control - Cure Page 11