Knowing What Is Type 2 Diabetes - And How To Defeat It Knowing What Is Type 2 Diabetes - And How To Defea | Page 11

Diabetic Neuropathy
Premature Death

Diabetic Neuropathy

Damages to the peripheral nerves of the body is caused by high blood sugar . The nerve damage first starts with a burning or tingling sensation of the feet and then progresses to similar feelings in the hands . Hands or feet can feel cold or very painful . Isolated nerves elsewhere in the body can become inflamed by high blood sugar and the situation can become extremely painful . There are medications that can control some of the symptoms but it is also a good idea to have the diabetes in better control so that the nerves have a chance to recover .

Premature Death

According to the American Diabetes Association , diabetics have two times the risk of death from any cause as compared to people of the same age without diabetes .
Healthy diet and exercise can reduce the risk for type 2 diabetes by 58 % in those ages 59 or younger and by 71 % in those ages 60 or older . Just losing a small 5 % to 7 % percent of bodyweight can delay or prevent getting type 2 diabetes indefinitely .
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