Know Your Rights: A Student's Guide to Pro-Israel Activism AJC_Students_Rights_eBOOK | Page 19

However , in addition to its more obvious and traditional forms , antisemitism can also manifest itself more subtly in particular forms of criticism of Israel . As the IHRA and federal government recognize , criticism of Israel can cross the line into expressions of antisemitism in numerous ways , sometimes subtle and sometimes quite overt . Common examples include statements that :
demonize Israel , for example , by using symbols and images associated with classic antisemitism , such as caricatures , to characterize Israel or Israelis or by comparing Israel or Israelis to Nazi Germany ;
blame all Jewish persons for Israeli policies with which the speaker disagrees ;
complain about allegedly undue Jewish influence over the media , the financial system , or American foreign policy ( for example : a congresswoman ’ s tweet that congressional support for Israel was “ all about the Benjamins [$ 100 bills ], baby ”);
condemn Israel ’ s actions while ignoring or praising the terrorist acts that drew the Israeli response ; or
deny Israel ’ s right to exist .
When trying to explain to others , including peers or university administrators , why a specific comment or action seems to reflect bias against Jews , the IHRA definition of antisemitism can be a useful , authoritative resource to which to point .