Know Your Rights: A Student's Guide to Pro-Israel Activism AJC_Students_Rights_eBOOK | Page 12

While the rest of this guide provides an overview of your rights on campus , here we offer some practical advocacy suggestions . These suggestions are based on the experience of previous Jewish students and we believe will serve you well both in achieving your specific goals on campus , and in helping you develop as an advocate and leader .
Be positive and proactive rather than
STAY POSITIVE defensive or reactive . When you move first with positive programming , you set the tone and the agenda . Reacting forces you to operate within an agenda set by others .
Reach out to organizations and individuals that you believe might be good partners . In doing so , highlight commonalities and shared concerns : for example , Jews and other minority groups share an interest in
BUILD BRIDGES combating hatred of minorities and toxic stereotypes . Make sure your partners feel supported in their own goals and that they can count on you . When incidents occur that affect them and their community , reach out proactively to offer solidarity and support . Acknowledge potential disagreements ; be candid — and encourage candor from others — about what issues you can cooperate on and what issues you disagree about .