Know your Brain Illnesses by Psychiatrist Dr. Farasat Ali Comprehensive Public Awareness Guide | Page 7


Misconceptions of schizophrenia

1. Schizophrenia patients are dangerous

Although there is increased risk of violence in this disorder but mostly these patients are not dangerous. Rather they themselves are the victim of violence by others

2. Schizophrenia patients can’t be treated

This is not true. With proper treatment long term outcome of schizophrenia is good. Most of the patients who are properly treated are enjoying life as normal persons

3. Medicines which are given in these patients are sleeping pills they do nothing other than sleep

Although there is sedation in these medicines but these or not just sleeping pills. They correct the level of certain chemical which are disturbed in these patients.

Take home message for family members of these patients

Schizophrenia patients sometimes are not able to differentiate between real and unreal. So there is no need to argue with patient. Rather than doing this we should pay focus on the management plan.

For further information, queries or consultation;

Dr. Farasat Ali - Consultant Psychiatrist

C# +92 320 2279223