KNITmuch Issue 2 | Page 8

Would you

bind off in the middle of

? knitting a row

Charles Voth
Short Row Shawl with mid-row bind off stitches
For many knitters , binding off , or casting off as most Commonwealth country knitters call it , is one of the favorite parts of the project . Not all of us love binding off itself though , particularly when it seems to pucker the top edge , or cause it to flare , because one ’ s tension has to be “ just so ”. But we do like binding off because it signals that we ' re almost done the project ! What would you think about binding off mid row though ?
So a while back , I was thinking about how to incorporate crochet in my knitting , I like to do some “ lateral thinking ,” it really helps my design process , and the result was these horizontal ridges across the fabric . Generally speaking , one doesn ’ t see horizontal chains across the middle of knit fabric . Diagonals yes , easily achieved with decreases or crossed stitches , and vertical chains are simply flanked by purl stitches , or slipped or twisted to make them stand out a bit more .
8 KNITmuch | issue 2
Photos by Charles Voth