Standard abbreviations & terms
The Crawley vest uses this
simple textured pattern and is a
versatile and cozy knit. Imagine
it in this creamy off-white color
and this lovely autumnal purple.
alt = alternate
approx = approximately
beg = begin(ning)
BO= bind off
CC = contrast colour
ch = chain
cm = centimetre(s)
cn = cable needle
CO = cast on
cont = continue, continuing
dc = double crochet
dec = decrease(s), decreasing
dpn = double-pointed needle(s)
foll = following
g = gram(s)
inc = increase(s), increasing
in(s) = inch(es)
k = knit
kf&b or kfb = knit into front and back of st (increase)
k2tog = knit 2 sts tog (right-leaning decrease)
K3tog = knit 3 sts together (double right-leaning
M = marker
m = metre(s)
M1 = Make 1 stitch: pick up the horizontal strand
between 2 stitches from front to back and knit
it tbl (lifted increase)
MC = main colour
mm = millimetre(s)
oz = ounce(s)
p = purl
p2tog = purl 2 sts tog (decrease)
patt = pattern
pfb = purl into front and back of stitch (increase)
pm = place marker
psso = pass slipped stitch over
RS = right side
rem = remain(ing)
rep = repeat
rev = reverse
rnd = round
sc = single crochet
sl = slip
skp = slip one st, knit next st, pass slipped st over
knit st (dec)
ssk = slip, slip, knit: slip 2 sts knitwise, 1 at a time,
insert left-hand needle into front of both sts
and knit them tog (left-leaning decrease)
Sssk = Slip next three stitches individually, knitwise. Insert tip of left needle from front to back
into the fronts of these three stitches and knit
them together (double left-leaning decrease)
st(s) = stitch(es)
St st = stocking stitch
tbl = through back loop
tog = together
tr = treble crochet
WS = wrong side
yo = yarn over
KNITmuch | issue 1