Knight Life | Page 16

Stay Informed

Principal Edghill to host forum on new graduation requirements

For the past couple of years at Notre Dame,

8th period has been used for an athletic

period. High schoolers who had no class

or sports obligations during that time

were allowed to leave at 2:15 p.m.

But new graduation requirements have caused

Principal Michael Edghill to take a look at how

the school's class schedule will have to be

adjusted going forward. Rumors quickly were

sparked regarding the change. Edghill recently

sat down with the Knight Life to clear up some

of the early confusion.

One misconception was that the athletic period would be removed from the schedule beginning in January. Edghill said no changes would be made until the new school year. However because the state changed the graduation requirements which affects the sophomore students and below, the school now has to use the 8th period time frame as another academic class period. This will allow students to gain the correct amount of credits, allowing them to pursue the highest graduation degree offered.

Edghill said he didn't know at this time exactly what classes would be offered at that time. He noted possibilities as english, math, or possibly bringing back a drama course. There was also the possibility of an additional thesis class available to seniors.

Some students at Notre Dame who have jobs after school were concerned about being able to leave campus early to get to work. Mr. Edghill said he would address student requests on a case-by-case basis and would take into account their individual academic schedules.

With all these ideas on the table Mr. Edghill said no plans are set in stone. He remained optimistic that when the new school year rolls around the transition will be smooth.

Edghill urged all students and parents concerned about the new requirements to attend a special forum at 6 p.m. on Dec. 9 at the Upper Campus library, Parents of sophomore students and below are encouraged to attend, but all are welcome to listen in.

"I will address why the changes we are making are happening, as well how the new graduation requirements will affect the upcoming school year," Edghill said.