Knight Life | Page 9

Dear Devyn: My life as a Notre Dame student is so fun but hectic! Homecoming, homework, friends, sports! Not to mention my church commitments and busy family life. How can I balance it all?


Slightly Stressed Student

Dear Slightly Stressed,

Welcome to Notre Dame! As my old coach used to say, "Never sleep! Sleep is for the weak!." Just kidding! You might try getting a planner to keep your activities organized. Also, create priorities to help you focus on what is really important on any given day. Study groups can also be a great way to both hang out with friends and prepare for tests and projects. Finally, don't forget to schedule down time. A little relaxation will help you focus and re-charge so that you are 100% in all your activities. Students like you make our school great so keep it up and don't sweat the small stuff.


Devyn and Pals