KNB Blog Life April, 2017 | Page 3

Why is the theme rainbows?

Rainbows are many things. Rainbows are things we see in a kindergarden classroom, or the thing we see in the sky after it has rain, or even some think other symbolic reasoning. But yes these are all true examples of what a rainbow is. It makes people happy, proud, and can express emotions even.

But my real reason is to bring a important point forward. There a day called "Day of Silence". That is usually April, 15th of every month.

You may wonder "what it is all about?" Well day of silence is a national event where people go silent for a whole day as if they were in the shoes of someone who is in the LGBT community who consistantly gets bullied and harassed. With some of those kids they either commited suicide or something else happened.

So if you see anyone get bullied and/or harassed help that person out.