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1.SPEED UP YOUR METABOLISM: If you want speed up you metabolism, you do egzerzises, drink water much, eat foods: Foods

are healthy and must speeding your metabolism like chili pepper,grapefruit,green tea,garlic etc...

2.CHOOSE GOOD OILY FOODS:You mustn't diet with low-fat foods, you must diet with enough and quality oily food.

You have to eat for examples hazelnut and butter

3.EAT LESS CARBOHYDRATE:You mustn't eat hamburger,chips,bread and like these. You should eat potato,quinoa and banana

4.YOU SHOULD CHEW FOODS WELL: It leads to eat less


Steps to getting healthy food reduce sodium-rich foods, increase the amount of green vegtables, legumes and grains, increase the

amount of fresh vegetable salad. Avoid fatty food sauces like mayonnaise, ketchup as much as possible.İncrease the amount of calcium- rich foods, reduce amount of sugar and starchy foods, reduce quantity of smoked, salty and pickled floods, liquids are an essantial pait of healthy food. The human body consist about 70% percent of the water. That has many functios and functions in the body, therefore, humans shuold increase the amount of fluids, they eat daily, provided they are healty fluids. They are not salty or sweetened must be many of them is water.

Healthy food is every food that gives the human body all the nutrients it needs for the continuction of its life in. The best way and for its healthy growth and increase its protection from diseases so that the calories that a person enters into his body are equal to what he consumes of energy so as not to be excessive or incomplete from the need, was excess of the need of the body will turn increase to the fat accumululates gradually in the body causing obesity and cardiovascular health problems, although the cabries are incomplete, the human will feel weak and weak to lose the minimum energy because of the increase in the number of people with obesity and extreme thinness, scientist have increased their interest in health food. They divided the food into seven basic groups, so that a certain number of quatus are taken from each group.