For a marriage to be happy this is up to you. A happy marriage works like a garden – you plant seeds in a healthy soil and add water and sunlight – and the garden grows. Everyday care makes everything blossom. A happy marriage is the same – it is the small things you do every day that keeps the relationship growing, and strong.
Every happy couple agrees to these secrets…
1. Communication –couples who talks together, walks together. Why? Because communication is the only way the emotional relationship between partners stays positively charged. The happy couples find time during the day to talk about small things in life – share how their days went and most importantly, joke together.
2.Laugh! Happy couples do not take everything in life seriously. The best way they reply to the blows of life is laughter. It’s not the end of the world after all! Relax and laugh at the problems. If you get mad when in trouble, the situation will not change. It stays the same. You have the choice – laughter or tears. Learn to laugh at yourselves and the troubles, making the relationship healthier and more positive.
3. Conflict solving skills - Happy couples know that most disputes may be settled through negotiation. The fact that there is a problem does not mean the relationship is in trouble. Only daydreamers believe life and relationships to be fairytales. The difference between happy and unhappy couples is how they react to conflict. The happy ones communicate effectively and in this way they prevent the anger and insulting to get out of control.
4. If you do what you always do, you will get same result. Wise couples have learned that you have to approach problems differently to get different results. Often, small changes in approach, attitude and actions make the biggest difference in marriage.
5. Your attitude does matter. Changing behaviour is important, but so is changing attitudes. Bad attitudes often cause bad feelings and negative actions.
6. Change your mind, change your marriage. How couples think and what they believe about their spouse affects how they perceive the other one. What they expect from, and how they treat their spouse, determines the other one’s reactions and attitude.
7. The grass is greener - where you water it. Successful couples have learned to resist the grass is greener myth – i.e. someone else will make me happy. They have learned to put their energy into making themselves and their marriage better.
8. You can change your marriage by changing yourself. Veteran couples have learned that trying to change their spouse is like trying to push a rope – almost impossible. Often, the only person we can change in our marriage is ourselves.
Sccrets to a Happy Ever After