After you ’ ve done your Shotover Jet ride , give the boys at offroad . co . nz a shout ( 0800 633 7623 ) for some stunning trail riding in the Queenstown surrounds


Words : Roger Moroney Photo : Ben Wilkins

I t has been an interesting year . I say that purely because I hope to be nominated for the Understatement of the Year Award ... which probably doesn ’ t exist but if it does I want to qualify . By the time this missive hits the screen pages Christmas will have spent itself , as many , many people will also have done and quietly await the arrival at the front door of the debt collection chaps . However , as I tap these keys Santa ’ s visiting time is still some days away , as is the arrival of the next next in this shabbily scripted sitcom called life . It will be 2021 . And if there were to be a theme tune for this new set of 365 days it would surely have to be that 1993 D : Ream song called ‘ Things Can Only Get Better ’. It was a rubbish song but they sort of had the idea pretty well sorted . I hum it every Saturday afternoon as I wander down to the local Lotto counter with my tired ticket in my hand . However , and this is the crucial bit here , we have been living the high life compared to so many parts of the globe where the flu-bug beast has taken up residence .

Apart from not seeing high-spending foreign folk scouring the shop windows in town or grabbing the cafe tables , everything has been relatively comfortable ... although the comfort for many businesses and industries is going to get a tad uncomfortable when the autumn drifts in , I suspect . But whatever . We carry on , and my thoughts have been on the New Year honours . Who will gain a “ sir-dom ”? I was going top put in a nomination for Veg ’... as the title of Sir Peter McPhee has a sort of ring to it . But then I realised that if I were to put in such a nomination I would likely be investigated and the fit would inevitably hit the fan . Although I would certainly insist the chap is a legend in the arena of motorcycling , although under scrutiny I would probably relax that statement and go for leg-end instead . The KR team is a race team . They race against every commercial trackside barrier there is , and come out with great lap times . Pete , Ben , and the lads one and all ... leg ends ... I mean legends . There ... bound to get a case of Stella Artois in the mail now .