It also keeps records on the progress of all cat shows
throughout their careers and is an integral referring
facility to prospective new cat owners.
There are a number of cat clubs that hold cat shows
through the show year and cats are given various
The SACC Cat of the Year takes place in Winter every
year and the show seasons therefore runs from the first
weekend after the Cat of the Year event has taken place
until the weekend just before the next Cat of the Year
At Cat of the Year the cats are placed according to their
final scores and the Top Entire, Top Neuter and Top Kitten are awarded. The Cat of the Year is then either the
Top Entire of the Top Neuter depending on which cat
achieved the highest score overall.
Cat Association of Southern Africa (CASA)
In 2007 South Africa and the African continent joined
the ranks of the World Cat Federation and the Cat Association of Southern Africa was born. South African cat
lovers had never practically had access to international
competition before. The WCF awards received at CASA
shows are recognized internationally and an award attained in South Africa counts if the cat is exhibited in
any other WCF show in the rest of the world.
CASA, being part of the WCF, has an international
cattery register and promotes animal welfare and the
education of international judges.
CASA has in addition formed 3 sub-clubs namely Capital
Cat Club in Gauteng, Chats du Cap in Western Cape and
De Baai Cat Club in Eastern Cape.
They also run shows throughout the year and use the
international WCF award system.
African Independent Cat Association (AICA)
AICA was formed in 2010. Their mission includes:
To be an independent organization from Africa, for
Africa, organizing cat shows without the restrictions of
International rules not practical or relevant to the local
To co-operate with all existing cat organizations, while
retaining independence.
To use the show and title system of Fife, WCF and European Independent clubs and recognize all titles and
certificates from any organization using the same titles.
To use all income from shows and other sources to improve cat shows and to promote cats in general without
the need to spend large amounts on affiliation, licencing
or other fees.
To recognize exhibitors as informal members of the
club without the need to pay membership fees.
To recognize judges with verifyable qualifications from
all international and national cat organizations
A list of cat shows held by all the associations during
the year is published in Kittycat magazine as well as
on our website:
Breed Groups
Breeders of Rex and Sphynx
Landie Copperthwaite (Secretary)
082 699 1077
[email protected]
Maine Coon Interest Group (MCIG)
Hanneke Bestbier (Secretary)
072 455 7610
[email protected]
Natal Siamese/Oriental Club
Carol Wood
031 903 1026
[email protected]
Russian Cat Interest Group of South Africa
Solveig Klahr (Secretary)
083 272 2443
[email protected]
SA Abyssinian & Somali Association (SAASA)
Adrienne Swart (Secretary)
082 405 5437
[email protected]
Siamese Breeders’ Group of SA (SBG)
Charlotte van der Riet (Secretary)
083 384 0285
[email protected]
Sphynx Alliance (SA)
Annemarie Redelinghuys (Secretary)
083 730 7666
[email protected]
Please note: Cat Clubs are listed in the Pink Pages
(back of the magazine)
Kittycat Issue 1 January/February 2014