Info for New Kitten Owners
A General Reference Guide for New Kitten Owners
Dr Laurence John Behrens, BSc: Veterinary Biology, BVSc
This series of articles serves as a
general reference point for new kitten owners, primarily written to be
read before the kitten is adopted or
bought, the information should be
useful to anyone who is planning on
getting a kitten or who has just got
a kitten.
ety of kittens to choose from but
be aware that these kittens MUST
be tested for virus’ like FIV (Feline
immunodeficiency virus) and FeLV
(Feline Leukaemia virus) before being introduced into your household
as we want to protect the pets you
already have.
Getting a new Kitten?
Shopping for kittens online is definitely not a good idea.
Getting a new addition to the family
can be tricky and finding the right fi