Kitepix Magazine | Page 92

Ben Archers opinion “From always riding pads and straps for freestyle and going out in the high winds I have to say pads and straps have saved me in a lot of dodgy crashes and situations. However, since I’ve made the change to riding bindings I feel a lot more comfortable out on the water while pushing my freestyle and wakestyle riding. I also feel that I have more control while going out in high winds and boosting and throwing down kiteloops. Boots seem to make you more stable as the kite goes through the loops and the crashes are a lot harder when it goes wrong.” There are many pros and cons to both but many vary on your riding style and whether you like to bust out some airs and maybe slash the odd wave. Straps may be better for you if you’re into your freestyle whilst boots might be better suited if you’re throwing down handle passes and having some hard landings. Which ever your style, ride hard and do what feels right for you, and you can’t go wrong! Ben Archer