Our Experts : Bathroom Brothers , www . bathroombrothers . ca ; Renee Ibrahim , www . royallepage . ca ; Automall Network , www . automallnetwork . com ; Transition Squad , www . transitionsquad . com ; Travlink Employment Consulting and Travel LTD , www . travlinkvisas . com
TRAVEL AND LIVING ABROAD The Myth : Moving and working abroad is a stressful process . The Reality : “ This can be the case for many people ” says Ron of Travlink Employment Consulting and Travel LTD . “ Most people do not have the knowledge of the paperwork , regulations and processes that go into immigration and work visa applications .” The good news is , there are experts , like Ron , who work with you to walk you through the process . His expertise allows him to help take the guess work out of the process for his clients and removes a lot of the stress and confusion that comes with trying to do it yourself ! He can also help clients avoid errors and issues that may delay or even halt their applications .
REAL ESTATE The Myth Selling / buying a home yourself will save you money ! The Reality While saving the commission cost of selling with a real estate professional might seem like a smart idea , the reality is that in many cases , this results in a lower price for the seller or a less favorable deal for the buyer ! Renee Ibrahim , Real Estate Agent with Royal LePage , suggest that homeowners also consider potential risks and hidden costs . “ In addition to having the knowledge to negotiate the best possible deal on your behalf ,” says Renee “ your agent also knows how to protect their clients from potential issues and hidden costs such as money owing on a furnace or non-working appliances . This protection combined with negotiating power makes having an agent in your corner a sound investment !”
AUTO INSURANCE The Myth Auto insurance companies always try to low-ball you when paying out a claim . The Reality Insurance companies typically outsource the valuation of vehicles that they deem a total loss because they are experts in insurance , not vehicle market values . They pay out based on the data available to them . If you feel the settlement offer is low , Viraf of the Automall Network suggests doing your research . “ They want to pay out fairly as they do not want any
implication of settling in bad faith .” says Viraf “ If presented properly with the right data to back up why their settlement offer is low and what the correct fair market value should be , they typically are quite reasonable .”
ESTATE SALES The Myth Nicer items won ’ t fetch as much at an estate sale or auction . The Reality “ There is some truth to this ” says Viraf of Transition Squad “ Every household has some combination of desirable items , everyday items and garage sale type items . If you do an estate sale alone , you won ’ t get fair market value and all prices will go down because of the liquidation mindset of buyers .” Viraf suggests a 3-pronged method starting with an online auction with higher minimum bids to drive up prices of desirable items . Next , hold an estate sale with items that did not sell during the online auction . Finally , consign the remaining sellable items that have not found the right buyer yet ! It may look like a lot of work but a reputable downsizing / estate company can take care of a lot of the work for you !
BATHROOM RENOVATIONS The Myth : Bathroom renovations are costly and time consuming ! The Reality : Traditionally , a full bathroom renovation has been a daunting and expensive task but working with a company that specializes in bathroom renovations can change this drastically . “ We have a team of specialists who understand every aspect and detail of the bathroom renovation process !” says Roy of Bathroom Brothers “ Our expertise and connections allows us to complete many projects in under a day , at less cost than our clients expected !” Because bathrooms are their only focus , bathroom renovation specialists are able to suggest ways you can save money and get the project done quicker , from the design details and sourcing materials right down to the demolition and installation of new items !