Pillow Fabric
Schumacher , www . fschumacher . com
Chair Fabric
Schumacher , www . fschumacher . com
Drapery Fabric Schumacher , www . fschumacher . com
Ottoman Fabric
Schumacher , www . fschumacher . com
Whenever I visit Paris and Nice in France , I can ' t help but marvel at their breathtaking beauty and impeccable design . These destinations have become a source of inspiration for my design work and I wanted to share a few ideas on how you can incorporate French design into your living room . The first step is to embrace the color blue , whether it be found in chic wallpaper or luxurious fabric . A Frenchinspired interior is always layered with a pop of color and unique pattern such as an animal print . It also includes wall moldings which look great in any style , either contemporary or traditional . Another popular style that is both French and timeless is herringbone wood floors . You can never go wrong with mixing and matching these elements together to create a truly beautiful space . - Jacklynn Little Interiors , www . jacklynnlittleinteriors . com |
Linelle LeMoine , www . linellelemoine . com
Aube Studios www . aubestudios . com