Kitchens 2022 | Page 88

Neuromodulators , act to relax the muscles of facial expression . This softens the appearance of dynamic wrinkles – the lines that appear when your face moves . Fillers are volumizing products that give contour and lift to your facial structures , such as cheeks , temples , chin and lips .
Will it look natural ? There ’ s a common misconception that injections give you an unnatural or frozen appearance . In truth , when performed by an experienced physician , using skillful placement and moderation , injectable treatments achieve a more rested , rejuvenated , natural look . Your face is unique , and your treatment should be customized to suit your features and goals .
My approach is to start every consultation with a thorough understanding of you as an individual , your goals and your preferences . Together , we then develop a holistic treatment plan , explaining each step of the journey . I believe that conservative and consistent steps , supported by scientifically proven treatments and skincare , provide exceptional results and make for happy patients . - Alanna Walsh , DermLab , www . dermlab . ca
If going to the dentist stresses you out , you ’ re not alone . Dental anxiety is very common . For some people , it ’ s fear of the unknown procedure they are yet to experience .
Skipping the dentist for a while can harm your teeth and gums . Instead of suffering in silence , you can choose to not let your fear stand in the way of your health .
If you booked a dentist appointment , you ’ ve taken the first step towards facing your anxiety . Take deep breaths as you walk in and remember that your dentist knows what they ’ re doing . Talk to your dentist about your concerns . They ’ re trained to make you feel comfortable . If pain is your biggest worry , your dentist may be able to help with different anesthesia and sedation options . All you have to do is ask . - Dr . Spackman , Spackman Dental , www . spackmandental . com
Those with sensitive skin should be gravitating away from certain ingredients and pay close attention to the ingredient panel on the label . A general rule to apply is to seek products with a small number of ingredients . If you understand the names , even better ! The more chemicals in a formula , the greater the chance of challenges with sensitive skin .
Next , look for added scents , flavors and / or colorants - OR look for the absence of them . Formulators can add “ natural flavor ” to a label and this can consist of 20 + different constituents . Even though the ingredient is “ natural ” or “ organic ,” they can still be potent irritants .
Finally , look at the preservatives . Here again , the more there are , the greater the chance of issues . Formulators should employ the lowest concentration of a small number of preservatives . If you see four parabens on the label , keep looking . - Chad Zelensky , Lowen ’ s Natural Skincare , www . lowens . ca