Marketing & Sales…the KTU Approach
Our specialized services demand a specialized marketing and sales approach. We set the bar for all other service businesses.
Our marketing revolves around our signature “In-Tune Trustpoints.”
I’m sure you’re asking yourself, “How would I find customers?” Below are a number of ways our franchise owners find
their customers:
Internet Leads: As part of the start-up package for each owner, they receive a customized website. With our national
advertising campaign we do search engine optimization and generate leads for our owners with our PPC program. Along
with that, owners will do local marketing to direct traffic to their website.
Traditional Marketing: As part of the initial start-up package we supply owners with artwork, brochures, literature, etc.
that they can use in their marketing efforts locally. We also aid our owners in customizing ads and flyers that they can
distribute. We have a “Campaign Calendar” to help them in formulating an advertising plan.
Social Media Marketing: During our training process we teach you how to take advantage of social media in building your
brand: Facebook, Houzz, Google+ and many more opportunities that you can implement.
Press Releases: We develop press releases for you to use starting when you first launch your business. As you grow your
business there will be many other opportunities for press releases and
public relations.
Booth Set-Up Opportunities: There are many places that franchise
owners can promote their business: home shows, fairs, real estate agent
meetings, community events, chamber of commerce events, etc. The list
is very long. This is a great way to get in front of many customers in a
short amount of time. We have professional booths for rent or you can
purchase your own.
Networking: There are a number of groups within your community that
you can network with: business networking groups, builder associations,
chamber of commerce, etc. These again are good places to find potential
business but also make connections within your community to find subcontractors, other service providers and potential employees!