Kitchen and Bath Low_Res_Full_Mag | Page 64

ANDRE JANVEAUX WHEN SELLING A HOME, A DINING ROOM NEEDS TO BE STAGED PROPERLY IN ORDER TO CATCH THE EYE OF POTENTIAL BUYERS. START WITH THE DINING TABLE as it’ll be the focal point of the room. Choose a table that won’t overpower the room by being too big. If there’s a leaf, consider taking it out to create more room for foot traffic around the table. Don’t feel the need to fill every available inch with dining chairs! Make it look comfortable and inviting while leaving enough space around the table to make the room look spacious. THE TABLE SHOULD BE CENTERED directly under the light fixture. If it’s not centered, it will throw the whole room off and make things look uneven. If the fixture is not in the right place, consider having it professionally moved. If the fixture is outdated, replace it! FOR LARGE DINING ROOMS, add a sideboard to give it a more luxurious feel. Hang art or a mirror above it, unless it’s placed beneath a window. BRIGHTEN UP THE ROOM as much as possible. If there’s a window, keep the drapes open and consider hanging a mirror on the opposite wall to reflect as much light as possible PLACE A FEW ACCESSORIES on the dining table and sideboard. Flowers in a vase or a few decorative objects are just a few options but don’t add more than a few things as the whole point is to minimize clutter and make the room look more spacious. If the space becomes too cluttered it can give potential buyers negative thoughts. Art is also a must so add a few pieces to tie it all together and create that fabulous look everyone will love! - Lux Furniture Rentals,