Kiosk Solutions Jun-Jul 2018 | Page 7

Zytronic touch is key to Santander ’ s Work / Café branch concept
Zytronic ’ s high performance Multitouch Projected Capacitive Technology ( MPCT ) touch sensors have been key to the transformation of Santander WorkCafé branches by the South American Customer Experience Specialist Company PX Group .
The Santander WorkCafé , a one of a kind type of bank branch in Chile , turns a common branch into a community space : half bank and half café . It has now been implemented in 20 Santander branches and is going forward to introduce 20 brand new offices by the end of 2018 . Zytronic touch sensors are integrated into the sign-in kiosk and video wall that is a central feature of each Santander WorkCafé .
Customers and non-clients sign in using a PX Group D-One kiosk designed to welcome visitors to WorkCafé Santander rather than exposing a tedious barrier of admission . Customers interact with it using a 21in Zytronic multi-touch projective capacitive touch sensor . PX Group uses its Multimodal Biometric Access Profiler ( MBAP ) to control sign-ins . MBAP is an authentication system that eliminates passwords or secret questions and replaces it with more secure , seamless and convenient biometric data .
WorkCafé Santander offices provide co-working spaces , a cafeteria and bank services , where clients and non-customers get free Wi-Fi , discounts in a high-end cafeteria , work tables , meeting rooms , state-of-the-art self-service technology , as well as the opportunity to discuss financial management with specialist relationship managers . Customers can self-manage interactions if they prefer , in a self-service zone offering quick and easy access to ATMs and deposit terminals . n
ANQ create dynamic digital signage with Omron ’ s facial recognition technology
Facial recognition technology from Omron Electronic Components Europe has enabled in-store digital marketing solutions experts ANQ to create a dynamic digital signage platform that allows retailers to deliver tailored content to customers in-store .
ANQ has used Omron ’ s Human Vision Component , a fully integrated ready to use facial recognition module , in their digital signage platform to significantly improve retail customers ’ in-store experience by providing relevant content on the digital signage screens that they see , and retailers with improved performance metrics for their signage .
ANQ has also developed a fully integrated Customer Analytics Module , which works behind the scenes using Omron ’ s facial recognition technology , to provide valuable insights through anonymously capturing customer data . All the collected data can be accessed through ANQ ’ s BI web portal or can be data shaped to the customers ’ requirements for ‘ Big Data ’ analysis .
The fully integrated or standalone video analytics platform from ANQ allows for data to be analysed based on gender , age estimation , dwell time , expression and head / gaze direction as well as a count of general , versus people engaged by the digital signage .
HVC builds on the Omron OKAO Vision software , a proven set of image recognition algorithms used in over 500 million digital cameras , mobile phones and surveillance robots around the world . It integrates ten image key image sensing functions , a camera and an external interface . Developers can detect a human face , hand or body , and implement face recognition , gender detection , age estimation , mood estimation , facial pose estimation , gaze estimation , and blink estimation .
HVC-P2 can capture , detect and recognise a face over a distance of up to 3m and will provide a confidence level with its reading . The module can estimate the subject ’ s mood based on one of five expressions . It can also detect a human body up to 17m away and a hand at a distance of six metres .
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