kiosk deployment
Maximise your public computing benefits with
carefully considered kiosk placement.
By Zivelo
Public computing offers many different
benefits to your customers. However,
if you’re planning on installing an
interactive kiosk for public computing,
the setup and installation can be just
as critical as actually powering up the
device. Tucking your brand new kiosk
into a back corner, out of the way,
may seem like a great use of space,
but it could stop your fledgling public
computing program in its tracks. After
all – if a customer can’t find your device,
they can’t engage with it.
20 KIOSK solutions
Placement is critical when it comes to
the kiosk installation process. Where you
place your kiosk can have a big impact
not just on how often it’s used, but also
on how it’s used. Depending on what
your plans for public computing are, you
may want to consider one of these three
placement guidelines:
Extending Your Inventory
Retail businesses who have more
inventory available than they can hold
in a single location may be interested in
inventory extension, or the 'endless aisle'
concept. When there’s not enough space
in a physical store for these items, using
public computing can help bring additional
inventory into the store, digitally.
Consider placing these interactive
kiosks on endcaps and in sections of the
store where they’re most relevant. For