Kiosk Solutions Feb-Mar 2017 | Page 42

sales kiosks

Generating success

How kiosks can be transformed into a valuable lead generation tool in the sales process
By Cammax – www . cammaxlimited . co . uk
For those who have ever worked in a sales environment ; you will be all too aware that to incur the most sales you need the most leads . Leads are the first step towards courting a potential client and developing them into a customer – it ’ s that simple . Studies have shown that 65 % of marketing and sales professionals say their biggest challenge is finding high quality leads – specifically contact details .
Sales has always been one of the toughest aspects of business , but it can be much simpler in the modern age . If the biggest challenge is collecting potential customer contact details then the solution is clear – encourage the potential customer to willingly give you their contact details , but how ?
Automated sales assistants may sound like digital PA ’ s that ’ ll scour the Internet for information but , in fact , these sales assistants come in the form of Lead-Generation Kiosks . Free standing , non-threatening , branded kiosks that offer something to a passerby in exchange for a few details can make the job of finding leads infinitely easier .
In brief , the kiosks need to provide something to the user whether it ’ s information , promotional items or even just a survey panel to offer something in exchange for the contact details sales agents find it so hard to gather – a fair exchange is more attractive and will often generate success .
Lead-Generating Kiosks have inverted the process to some extent as sales people no longer blindly seek interest in the market ; instead the kiosks collect information that generates warm leads from customers who are ready and willing to act on information they have already digested . Gone are the days of cold calling .
Another study has shown that 50 % of people aged between 18 and 24 have acted on an advertisement they saw on digital signage – most likely a Lead-Generation Kiosk .
The kiosks aren ’ t just for the benefit of your business either ; thanks to the wholly digital delivery system the kiosks run on , you ’ ll save a lot of money that would ’ ve been traditionally spent on printing costs and also , your business will have officially gone ‘ green ’.
Never has the environment been so important to businesses around the world , and cutting out print materials will reduce the carbon footprint of your business by an incredible amount . The digital revolution has already taken hold of the world ; printed materials no longer have the same appeal they once did !
There ’ s still more to consider . Not only do Lead-Generation Kiosks produce warm leads , cost less , and reduce the carbon footprint of your business – the analytical possibilities will give your business a totally different outlook on sales targets and result based data .
Thanks to the kiosk ’ s data collection processes , information on which of the pages generates the most clicks and interactions on your website is available on demand . This will allow you to adjust your marketing strategy to focus on the most popular aspect of your campaign .
Equally , you can analyse your entire customer base in seconds thanks to the data collection process . You ’ ll be able to assess the valuable demographic data from users to identify your key audience and adapt your business model to suit .
Sales is all about leads , so why not start generating your own leads using kiosks ? n
42 KIOSK solutions