Kiosk Solutions Dec-Jan 2017-18 | Page 27

case study How Qmatic’s solutions helped Milton Keynes Council with customer journey management By Peter Lundqvist, Chief Marketing Officer, Qmatic - Modern customer journey management is not only a way to create better value for business in terms of return on investment and growth. In Milton Keynes in southern England, it has improved support for people in economic and social difficulties, has helped to give assurance to the most vulnerable customers and made better use of tax payers’ money. A few weeks ago, I met Terry Wright in Milton Keynes. He works for the council and the residents he and his colleagues meet are often people in need of essential services such as housing and welfare. Sometimes the same residents have suffered antisocial behaviour and hate crime. It’s important to these victims that their anonymity is maintained in public. This is challenge in a public space like a council reception where customers are routinely asked t o give detailed personal information about themselves to reception staff where other customers might overhear. That was the case until recently and before the introduction of modern solutions for customer journey KIOSK solutions 27