Kiosk Solutions Aug-Sept 2020 | Page 10




Customer Engagement Technology
Kiosk Solutions reaches an audience of 15,000 decision makers on a bi-monthly basis right throughout the UK . These 15,000 individuals are comprised of Customer Service Directors , Project Managers , CIOs , CTO ’ s , FD ’ s and many more besides . This unique readership presents you with a unique opportunity to reach an audience that is not available through any other media .
Independent Kiosk Solutions is an independent publication , aiming to offer an objective view of the industry . Articles may present newsworthy acts and / or opinions of named companies , but all measures are taken to ensure that articles within Kiosk Solutions report the objective facts without bias .
editor . kiosk @ abacus-comms . co . uk . All editorial that we receive from third parties is subject to the editor-in-chief ' s ultimate approval , and submission of an article is no guarantee of publication .
To ensure that all articles meet the editorial policy , we reserve the right to edit the whole or part of any material selected for publication .
You can find our editorial policy on our website : www . kiosksolutionsmagazine . com / guidelines .
Advertising If you would like to discuss one of our advertising or advertorial packages please contact Lloyd at lloyd . vella @ abacus-comms . co . uk
10 KIOSK solutions