Kiosk Solutions Aug-Sept 2016 | Page 41

hospitality kiosks Kiosks have helped customer satisfaction to rocket in the transport sector, and now it's the turn of restaurants and hotels to reap the rewards By Cammax The world of hospitality is one the most exciting and lively industries, focusing on creating strong relationships between businesses and customers. Hotels, restaurants, coffee shops, pubs and clubs have a duty to adapt to customers’ needs to keep satisfaction rates high. In recent times the rapid growth of self-service kiosks are starting to show throughout hospitality, which includes the latest software and features to give consumers the best possible service. The success of kiosks and customer satisfaction has rocketed throughout the transport sector, and now hotel and restaurant businesses are keen to follow and improve their customer services. Restaurants, coffee shops and fast food restaurants are also now taking the initiative to add a self-serve kiosk option to a customer’s buying experience. Restaurants are now installing kiosks to offer a reservation option to reduce any disappointment of tables being fully booked. Similarly, fast food