Kiosk Solutions Apr-May 2017 | Page 37

contactless payments Grab-and-go retailing is popular with millennials who now expect the same flexibility, choice and benefits from kiosks as they get online and in-store By Kevin Freeguard, VP & MD UK & Ireland, Verifone - Whether paying for fast food, transportation, parking or vended goods, consumers on the move still want a full and frictionless retail experience; One that brings together self-service, quick and secure payments and seamless services – all within the confines of convenient locations with round-the-clock access. Increasingly, they want their unattended experience to connect to other channels. To be able to order anywhere and collect via kiosk, or order by kiosk and pay by mobile. They want kiosks to know their preferences, deliver personalised services and gather their customer feedback. Demand for joined-up services This expectation is changing the way merchants and integrators see the role of kiosks. Many are now exploring how best to use them within the broader retail mix and in a wider variety of sales environments. Lower cost and higher availability of advanced components, from contactless readers, and touch- screens to multimedia and integrated cameras, are already transforming the humble kiosk into a new generation of interactive acceptance, information and fulfilment stations. The next stage is connecting unattended devices to online and physical estates to deliver new value and convenience for modern consumers. This could unlock major new applications for kiosks across a wider range of markets. For example, in-flight booking options at airports, KIOSK solutions 37