Kingston Grace Beauty Volume 1 | Page 6

Haircare Tips for All Seasons

Hair is our crowning glory but due to factors like stress, pollution, improper care, etc, it can be damaged easily. Kingston Grace Beauty features various products that help you to keep your locks healthy and strong. Our products provide hair answers for problems like dandruff, volume, and shine with new breakthrough products that help you overcome your hair woes.

Kingston Grace Products all you to keep calm so you don’t let the stress of the festive season get to you. Becuase as we all know, sustained periods of stress can lead to a change in your hormonal balance, which can pave the way for hair thinning, knotted or ratted hair.

Some Shared Ideas

Choose products wisely: Such as in the winter, use a gentle shampoo to keep the moisture intact in your hair. Use a deeper conditioner to protect the hair shaft and prevent damage from extreme weather and/or central heating.

No heat please: A hot water bath can bring much relief in the summer & winter season, but this can be detrimental to your hair. Always wash your hair with lukewarm or cool water, rather than very hot water.