KingdomExec. Magazine June/July Issue | Page 27

Migraines and Immobity, continued 2. Treat the problem not the symptoms. Placing a band aid on the issue won’t solve the problem. Dealing with the root cause will alleviate further problems in that area. 3. Isolation. While isolation is not always necessary, there are many instances where leaders need time apart from others so that they can be treated and healed, without infecting others. 4. Get Plenty of Rest. Even as our body often breaks down when we experience burnout, so to do our spirits and our emotions. Breaks don’t make you weak; they make you strong. 5. Nourishment. Leaders that are experiencing moral and emotional sickness need a healthy diet of prayer, wise counsel, and revelation. Even as our body gains strength and fortitude from a healthy diet, so too do our spirits. None of these five things will happen if leaders aren’t being held accountable for their actions. If you live long enough and lead long enough, you will inevitably experience a “head cold”, but your outcome doesn’t have to be catastrophic. Problems don’t make you any less of a leader. In fact problems, when handled correctly, have the capacity to increase your effectiveness as a leader. Make sure that you are a leader that is being held accountable, so that when you are experiencing a “head cold”, you are positioned to overcome and to win.