Kingdom Connection Devotional - Week 1 TUESDAY | Page 2

Good Day and welcome to your Kingdom Connection Devotional for Tuesday- January 2nd! I hope you enjoyed the devotional on yesterday and allowed God to speak about new beginnings in a spiritual sense. Today we are going to look at the 2nd "New Beginning" we see in the Bible. Ironically, to some degree, we are still in the book of beginnings as we learn about the history of Noah. By this time the earth had been populated with many people but what had also populated in the earth realm was the evil imaginations of mankind.

Most of us are familiar with the encounter Eve had with Satan in the form of a serpent. His deception with her gave her and Adam a new beginning… not the one that God had planned originally but it was the results of their disobedience and disregard for God’s commandment. From that point onward, through God's sovereignty, Satan began to operate, influence and guide mankind. II Corinthinan 4:4 calls him the god of this world.

By chapter 5 God shares with us His sentiments on His creation and His former new beginning with mankind. it is rather deeply disturbing. By verse 3, God inserts a limitation by saying 'My Spirit shall not strive with man forever..' and then He determines that our life span shall be 120 years.

By verse 5 we read about Him stating the wickedness of man being great on the earth. This was determined because EVERY intent of their thoughts, in their heart, was continually evil. That’s some depth of evilness going on! There was flippant anger and evil reactions taken place between one another. Thoughts that came from deep within the heart. The place where love and goodness was is to abide now was being consumed with evil continually. No breaks, no rest, all day, every day; hatred, bitterness, wickedness and evil was present in their hearts.

WEEK 1: Tuesday 2

Verse 11 shares that the earth was filled with violence. And because of all of this, Genesis 6:6 says the Lord 'was sorry that He had made man on the earth'. It was nothing but corruption on the earth with the exception of Noah. Only one man and his family managed to remain uncorrupted like the world.

The 1st Destruction

of the World