Kingdom Connection Devotional - Week 1 THURSDAY | Page 2

The Inauguration of Christ's Kingdom

Good Day and welcome to your Kingdom Connection Devotional for Thursday- January 4th! Hopefully by today you are getting excited about the New especially when God is involved. From the creation of the world and the first of the human generation to the creation of good generation or gene pool in the natural to the creation of His own special generation of people. Isn’t it interesting that God’s New beginnings always deal with people and that the new beginning is for multiple people never just the one. Well as consistent as it is in the old testament, the same holds through in the New Testament.

The 4th New Beginning I want to highlight that God, Himself, is solely responsible for is the manifestation of Christ on earth. John 1:1 tells us that in the beginning was the Word and the Word was with God and the Word was God. This is very important verse especially as it relates to New Beginnings. Now the word beginning in this verse is NOT referring to the same beginning we pin point in Genesis One. And to take it a step further, this word “beginning” is merely being used to help us with our finite mind and time based understanding that before there was ever anything – this beginning- which is eternity and most of us understand that eternity has no beginning or an ending. But don’t get confused just know before anything, with no true starting point, was the Word. Now your modern written Bibles capitalize the W because the Word was and still is the name of Jesus or God the Son. The verse continues to say that the Word was with God and the Word was God. This is a great verse used to support our Trinitarian belief that God is one in 3 persons. There are many verses that discloses the combining or the listing of all 3 as it relates to God the Father, God the Son and God the Holy Spirit.

But for the sake of the devotional I will move on to John 1:14

which explains that the Word became flesh and dwelt among us. And this is the 4th New Beginning I want to address today. God stepping out of eternity and stepping into time. God veiling Himself of His divinity and taking on the form of a bond servant as described in Philips. 2:6-8 This was a personal New Beginning like none-other for God. Him stepping out of glory and in to the form of Man. It is at this point, His name , The Word is given an earthly and descriptive name for what He is doing . God the Father said to name Him Jesus for He shall save His people from their sins Matthew 1:21 and He also said He shall be called Immanuel for He is God with us Matthew 1:23.

Donec suscipit, lacus placerat blandit posuere, mi augue convallis metus, vel tristique leo erat eget magna. Mauris non dictum tortor. Sed cursus odio et nisi placerat mollis at vel velit. Aliquam auctor tempus convallis. Quisque varius, ligula et blandit euismod, massa quam viverra sem, id lobortis odio nulla eget ipsum. Maecenas vitae nisl risus. Cras vulputate pharetra commodo. Ut sed sagittis tortor.

Praesent scelerisque nulla ut enim fringilla aliquam. Duis at pellentesque mauris, ac vulputate lorem. Vestibulum a laoreet lorem, sit amet faucibus mi. Fusce aliquet urna non urna placerat mollis. Nam eleifend, nisi id ullamcorper feugiat, neque odio elementum ex, hendrerit feugiat velit lectus ut diam. Donec sed mattis mi. Mauris dignissim arcu sed lacus egestas pellentesque. Fusce eros eros, lacinia mollis pretium quis, dictum sit amet.

WEEK 1: Thursday 11