Kindi's Journey Kindi's Journey: Week 28 | страница 7

HEALTH TIP Baptist Health Traveling With a Newborn Whether it’s a weekend getaway, a special event or a holiday trip, traveling with a newborn can present many challenges. Here are a few helpful tips to make your trip a little less stressful: Traveling by Car • Secure the seat. Make sure your baby’s car seat is the right size and that it’s properly installed. Only 80 percent of child safety seats are installed correctly. • Time your trip. Drive when it’s most likely your baby will sleep for the duration of the trip. • Stay in the shade. Protect your baby from the sun with a sunshade. Attach it to the car seat or a window. • Make more stops. Plan extra time for your trip. You’ll need to stop for diaper changes, feedings and fussy moments. Kindi’s Journey brought to you by