Kilsyth Anderson Newsletter August 2013 | Page 7

Special Occasions
Happy 85 th Birthday to Mr Ronnie Swan on the 13 th August
Happy 80 th Birthday to Mrs Betty Clelland on the 30 th July Happy 80 th Birthday to Mrs Margaret Cullen on the 8 th August Happy 80 th Birthday to Mrs Audrey Reid on the 8 th September
Happy 13 th Birthday to 4 of our Sunday School … David & Fiona Erskine Leah Campbell Abigail Shaw
14 th August 23 rd September 30 th September
Our Wee Ones
Good Luck to Lucy McDowall , Murray Paris , Hope Barclay , Iona Jack & Callum Gordon who all start Primary School & Jordan Campbell who starts Kilsyth Academy in August .
Congratulations to Abigail Shaw for getting through with her crew from Dejavu to theWorld Street Dance Finals in August in the SECC .
Congratulations to Fiona Erskine for getting a distinction + in her Silver Highland Dance Exam
Manse Garden
Calling all the Green-Fingered of the congregation ! Volunteers are urgently required to assist with the maintenance of the manse garden . Work required is regular weeding and watering the flowers . Would volunteers please contact Marion Cowie .