International Seminar
This Seminar aimed at fostering reflection on each teacher’s
own practice. All the presentations brought some insightful
message regarding teacher development, bilingualism,
transitions, intercultural awareness and Music education.
We specially highlight the contributes of Júlia Formosinho,
who provoked the audience by explaining the power of
relationship and of learning together, not only with children
but also with colleagues. She spoke about the power that
learning in company may have if one wants to implement
change within one’s own practice.
João Formosinho spoke of the transitions In Basic Education
and how essential it is to promote a life cycle logic in school
education in order to achieve a real quality development. The
transitions between educational cycles are vital in the course
of basic education, these transitions would benefit from
occurring in a closely and accompanied environment.
Another panel we would like to mention up is the presentation
made by Conceição Batista and Isabel Elvas on Curricular
Guidelines for Preschool Education. This panel was
presented in two specific parts. Conceição Batista gave the
audience a generic presentation of the revision and updating
process of the Curricular Guidelines for Preschool Education.
Isabel Elvas presented us with a more specific view on
OCEPE and the contribution given by the Arts Education
Team in the creation of the document. The different artistic
languages that are part of the field of Artistic Education:
Visual Arts, Dramatic Game / Theatre, Music and Dance have
now a more significant presence in Preschool Education.
Conceição Batista also offered the participants an insight on
the Bilingual Schools Program. This partnership aims to
create a specific national framework for the establishment, in
some public schools, of bilingual learning and Content and
Language Integrated Learning (CLIL) in the Portuguese
educational system.
The International Seminar also received several workshops
presented by Preschool Teachers, the Music Teachers Team
and the English Teachers Team accompanied by Sandie
Carla Rocha and Milita Bucho