21 st Century Learning Awareness
Simultaneously to the kick of meeting, the first workshop was held at CAC (Art and
Culture Centre) in Ponte de Sor.
Vanessa Esteves and Neil Mason, from APPI, developed this workshop for all Pre-
school, English and Music teachers to promote 21 st Century Learning Awareness
and reflected on the needs/priorities in Training as highlighted by the Pedagogical
Team and the methodology to develop project materials/resources.
The main topics and conclusions that emerged from the meeting were: training
(duration and topics), support required, methodology to develop project resources
and pedagogical materials (beginning with the mascot).
Using 4 C's in Kiitos Mascot Cre-
ative Process
21st Century Skills: so much
more than just the 3R’s
On the 19th February 2016 Kiitos Mascot
Creative Process started. This
ment was led by Vanessa Esteves an
APPI teacher trainer. The group of Pre-
school, English and Music teachers got
together to this training event.
The aim was to make an approach to
21st century skills.