Kids Life Tuscaloosa November/December 2023 | Page 30

Holiday Events In Tuscal�sa november / december ember 2022

DECEMBER 7-10 THE NUTCRACKER presented by The Tuscaloosa Community Dancers at the Historic Bama Theatre . Featuring local talent blended with professional guest artists from around the country , TCD ’ s 52nd production will truly be one of a kind . Tickets for any of the performances and Breakfast with the Nutcracker may be purchased online at www . tuscaloosadancers . com Show times : Thursday , December 7th @ 7pm Friday December 8th @ 7pm Saturday , December 9th @ 10am and 5pm Sunday , December 10th @ 2pm
DECEMBER 8 TINSEL TRAIL ’ S UGLY SWEATER NIGHT Government Plaza - 5:00pm to 8:00pm . Come in your tackiest holiday sweater and join the festivities . Enjoy the Trail as we host holiday games , award the best ugly sweaters , and more !
DECEMBER 9 BREAKFAST WITH SANTA Shelton State ’ s Martin Campus Atrium 9am-11am
COOKIES WITH SANTA AT CHOM . Two seatings : 10:30am and 1pm . $ 10 per child . Limited seating . Walk-in or Pre-reserve . www . chomonline . org .
BREAKFAST WITH THE NUTCRACKER 8:45am . This fundraiser for TCD , taking place immediately before the show , is a chance for parents and children to join some of their favorite characters for breakfast before they join Clara on her Christmas Eve journey during the show . For tickets , visit : www . tuscaloosadancers . com
DECEMBER 11 TUSCALOOSA SYMPHONY ORCHESTRA ’ S ANNUAL HOLIDAY CONCERT “ HOME FOR THE HOLIDAYS ” 7pm at UA Moody Concert Hall . This festive celebration is one of West Alabama ’ s favorite holiday traditions and will include highlights from Tchaikovsky ’ s “ The Nutcracker ,” as well as Maestro Flatt ’ s famous holiday sing-a-long and more familiar tunes to get you in the spirit of the season . Featuring Alabama Choir School , this annual event will sell out quickly . For tickets , visit : www . tsoonline . org
DECEMBER 15 FAMILY NIGHT ON TINSEL TRAIL – Government Plaza 4pm-6pm Bring your family for crafts & activities , refreshments , and Santa !!! Family Night on Tinsel Trail is a free event for the whole family .
DECEMBER 16 ALABAMA CHOIR SCHOOL WINTER CONCERT UA ’ s Moody Concert Hall , 7pm . Come hear the four fantastic choirs of the Alabama Choir School sing music from four centuries in several different languages , including contemporary music in English ! Tickets at acstickets . ludus . com . More information at www . alachoirschool . org .
DECEMBER 18 PARAKIDS WINTER HOLIDAY DAY CAMP at Phelps Activity Center , 7 a . m . - 5:30 p . m . December 18-22 , December 27-29 , January 3 . Camp will consist of recreational activities led by camp staff - keeping kids active , healthy , and happy . Students will need to bring a lunch , 2 snacks , and 3 drinks each day . Students must currently be enrolled in grades Kindergarten through 6th to participate in PARA Day Camp . Spots are limited and the enrollment deadline is on Thursday , November 9th at 5:00 p . m . Find more information on how to enroll and the cost for your child to participate at www . tcpara . org .
DECEMBER 30 NEW YEAR ’ S FOR KIDS AT CHOM . Balloon drops 11am and 2pm . Included in paid admission . For more information , visit www . chomonline . org