Kids Life Tuscaloosa November/December 2023 | Page 28

Holiday Events In Tuscal�sa

NOVEMBER 3 NORTHPORT PHARMACY & GIFT GALLERY CHRISTMAS OPEN HOUSE Shop new holiday trends and enjoy 20 % off your purchase !
NOVEMBER 4 NORTHPORT PHARMACY & GIFT GALLERY CHRISTMAS OPEN HOUSE Shop new holiday trends and enjoy 20 % off your purchase !
IVY HOUSE BOUTIQUE OPEN HOUSE 1pm to 5pm . Join us for our annual Holiday Open ( Ivy ) House at the Shops of Lake Tuscaloosa . Start your holiday shopping and pick out your Thanksgiving outfit while enjoying treats and cocktails ! We will also have a permanent jewelry discount ! We can ’ t wait to see you there !
NOVEMBER 10 PARAKIDS VETERAN ’ S DAY CAMP Phelps Activity Center 7 a . m . - 5:30 p . m . Camp will consist of recreational activities led by camp staff - keeping kids active , healthy , and happy . Students will need to bring a lunch , 2 snacks , and 3 drinks each day . Students must currently be enrolled in grades Kindergarten through 6th to participate in PARA Day Camp . Spots are limited and the enrollment deadline is on Thursday , November 9th at 5:00 p . m . Find more information on how to enroll and the cost for your child to participate at www . tcpara . org .
TURKEY TUMBLE PARENTS NIGHT OUT 6:00-9:00 p . m . Bama Bounders Gymnastics - 2005 32nd Street , Northport , 35476 Join us for our Turkey Tumble Parents Night Out ! We will have lots of turkey tumbling games , activities and art project as well as gymnastics , trampoline , pizza dinner and lots of fun ! You must pre-register to participate . Visit www . thebamabounders . com or call ( 205 ) 861-2436 .
NOVEMBER 14 COMMUNITY THANKSGIVING at Shelton State ’ s McDonald Hughes Community Center 6pm – 8pm
NOVEMBER 17 PETERBROOKE CHOCOLATIER OPEN HOUSE Step into a chocolate wonderland at Peterbrooke ’ s holiday open house , where you ’ ll find treats to sweeten all your festivities .
CONFETTI GIFT & PARTY PINK Friday 5-8pm . Shop with us for our best deals of the season and gift with purchase .
PARAKIDS KID ’ S NIGHT OUT - Paint & Pizza at Phelps Activity Center , 6 p . m . - 8 p . m . Paint and Pizza is back ! Drop the kids off at the Phelps Activity Center for a night of fun ! The cost to attend is $ 15 / child if you register by 11.15.23 - $ 20 thereafter . Dinner and art supplies will be provided ! Enroll by calling ( 205 ) 562-3230 or by going to www . tcpara . org .
NOVEMBER 18 PETERBROOKE CHOCOLATIER OPEN HOUSE Step into a chocolate wonderland at Peterbrooke ’ s holiday open house , where you ’ ll find treats to sweeten all your festivities .

S . T . E . A . M SATURDAY “ IT ’ S ELECTRIC !” at CHOM 9:30am-4pm . Build circuits and test conductivity . Shocking demonstrations of the Van de Graff generator . november / december ember 2022